Wouldn't it be amazing to connect with your Spirit Team (guides, angels, ancestors, animals, etc.) instantly and with confidence? To feel certain that the messages you are receiving are authentic and correct, knowing you aren't making it all up in your head, and positive that you are protected and communicating with sources that are present for your highest good? 

How about setting "office hours" and boundaries that enable you to sleep through the night, having spirit and energies affect you only when you are ready to process them, and with filters that help you separate what is yours and what isn't? 

Connecting and working with Spirits and Energies are exciting and rewarding experiences. However, they can also be overwhelming at times and maybe even a little scary. This class will help you establish a connection with guides, create protection techniques that work for you, and learn how to shield and project your own energetic field in a way that is most beneficial to you.

By the end of this class, you will: 

   • Customize a protection technique that's right for you

   • Have a deeper connection with your spirit guide(s)

   • Cultivate stronger, lasting energetic boundaries

   • Have better control over your own energetic (auric) field 

   • Know how your own moods, state of mind, and even self-image affect and are affected by spirits and energies around you

   • Plus, you will complete exercises and learn techniques that will strengthen your ability to discern messages and process Intuitive hits more effectively

Why Choose Working With Spirit and Energy:

  • Expert Guidance: Led by Maestra Chavon Wyzdom DVine, a seasoned shamanic practitioner with a wealth of experience.
  • Foundation for Future Learning: Lay the groundwork for our Shamanic Training Certification Classes, opening the door to advanced shamanic practices.
  • Practical and Applicable: Immediate application of learned techniques for personal growth and spiritual exploration.

This class is the perfect beginning step and prepares you for the rest of your journey. Whether on a spiritual path for self or others, you will want to start here!

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